Affiliate Program

Earn on your networking skills with Prover

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About Affiliate Program

PROVER affiliate programme is designed to getting passive income by agents who have implemented the PROVER technology into real business processes.

What do you need to do to become Prover affiliate?

  • Find a partner who will use the technology
  • Confirm their participation to this partner in any possible way, for example, provide us with an email from him

When will you get your fee?

After the project based on the PROVER technology with this partner is implemented:

  • The address of the partner’s NEM wallet from which he carries out PROVER technological transactions is fixed.
  • Agent's commission is calculated from the total number of the sent tokens. It is paid to the agent in PF tokens (PROOF)
  • The commission starts to be paid when the total payment of a partner for using PROVER technology reaches 1,000,000 PF

The agent receives interest from the total partner’s payment for using PROVER technology, namely:

  • 20% during the first year
  • 10% during the second year
  • 5% during the third year

The commission is paid when it exceeds 10,000 PF

Prover use cases

use cases

Banks and financial services providers

use cases

Home medicine and remote patients control

use cases


use cases

Online dating

use cases

Video proof of ownership

use cases

Public statements

use cases

Outsourced work report

use cases

Traffic accident reports

use cases

Crowdsourced media platforms

use cases

Video-platforms with user-generated content

use cases

Notary actions

use cases

Home education, exams

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